One of the great features of our software is the key code field. This is a user-defined field and you can type anything you want into this field. This makes the key code field a very powerful, customizable tool for you, as you can sort most of your reports by this field. You can also filter your reports on your key codes. The key code field is available when you create a new invoice or purchase order, or setup a new product. There is also a key code report in the Report Wizard.
For example, our customers ask us how to track sales by sales person. When creating an invoice, you can use the key code field to enter a sales persons initials, employee ID or other text to identify the sales person. Then run your key code report which will sub-total your sales by key code. Simple!
Another example is classifying your inventory by key code. For example, you may sell tires and use the key code field to enter the tire sizes, i.e. 14inch, 15inch, 16inch, etc. Then you can run your inventory report, sorted by key code, to group and subtotal your tires by size. You could also filter your report with the word "tire" (assuming you have the word "tire" in your product code, product description or key code) to see only the tires on your inventory report. Very powerful!
Another example could be grouping your sales by cash, credit card, check or money order payments. On a new invoice, you could type in "cash", "CC", "check", "MO", etc. and sort your Invoice Register by key code.
The possibilities are unlimited! The trick is to make your key codes long enough so that your reports can be filtered by your code. For example, a key code of "12" is no good, as this matches to many items, such as dates, invoice, customer numbers and product codes. A much better key code would be "tire12" or "sales12" or "order12" or "emp12", etc., depending on what you are trying to filter. Create good (lengthy) key codes and they will provide you with valuable information.
What fields are searched when you filter your reports? That depends on the report. Next to the report filter is a help button (the question mark). Click on that to find out which fields are searched for the filter you enter by report. The key codes will provide you with user-defined custom sorting and filtering capabilities. Let your imagination run wild! Our key codes and report filter can provide with very powerful tools you can't find in any other software!